I live in New Jersey but am a die-hard New Yorker. I used to live in Brooklyn, but I was born in San Diego. Oh, did I mention I lived in Arizona as well? Yeah, my family’s a bit adventurous.
Speaking of family, I have got a twin. Although we are oddly contrasting. I am considered the more assertive, extroverted, and social twin. On the contrary, my sister is shy, introverted, and, as she claims, antisocial. All my life, I believed I was the eldest twin by a minute. But a year ago, we discovered it was my sister, Taylor. Though, by this time our roles in our relationship had been established. So, emotionally, I’m older?
Enough about my family, and more about me (Can you tell I am an actress?)! Performing isn’t the only dream I have. Actually, my dream is on a much larger spectrum. Truly, I want to inspire and create change for others. Whether that is through acting or possibly directing. Whatever it is, I want to put a smile on others’ faces. That, to me, is my success.
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